This module helps user to shift ledger vouchers of a one ledger to another required ledger (of same group). Vouchers can be shifted individually or all by selecting them.
Price : ₹1180
This add-on facilitates user to search narration in bill wise Outstanding Report.
This add-on can track creation as well as modification of vouchers along with Username, Date & Time of creation\alteration and even modified contents can be tracked. In every instance of voucher alteration, users will be forced to enter the valid reasons; and these details will be displayed in the corresponding report.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on facilitates the user to update dispatch details without entering into the voucher, in all the transactions at once through report.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on facilitates the user to Display Total Item Amt. before Discount, Discount Rate & Discount Amount in Sales Columnar, Purchase Columnar & Party Ledger Statement.
This add-on facilitates the user to Print details of Last 2 Receipts in Sales Invoice.
This add-on facilitates the user to Print Recipient's Name in Receipt Register.
This Module helps user to Send SMS from Tally.erp9. User can send SMS for all the vouchers of Tally. User can also remind their customer's of bills that are due.
This Add-On displays the user Unit Wise Qty. total in stock summary Report & Sales/Purchase Columnar Report. By default Tally shows Unit total only if all Items having similar Unit. With this add-on user get each Unit Total separately. It shows both the Total of Qty.of Primary and Alternate Unit.
Price : ₹2360
This module facilitates the user to Print Item Description in Sales and Ledger Columnar Register. This module helps user to Print Item Description in Columnar Register.
This module facilitates user to Print Contact Details in Sales Register. User gets Contact details in Columnar Report.
This module facilitates the user to Print Running Balance in Bill-Party Wise Outstanding Report and Ledger Outstanding Report. This module helps user in effective customer outstanding management. User can promptly reply to their customer, how much total outstanding stands on particular date or up to particular voucher.