This add-on facilitates the user to Display Closing Balance of Cost Centre in selection table at voucher entry. It helps to know the current balance of Cost Centre while making any transaction.
Price : ₹1180
By Default Tally Software does not give the option of Printing Stock Item Alternate Unit Qty E-Way Bill Print. With this add on user can print stock item Alternate Qty in E-Way Bill.Add-on gives the choice of printing Only Alternate Unit Qty or Both Primary Unit and Alternate Unit Qty in E-Way Bill.Helps the user to print alternate Qty to understand the details of Stock Item being shipped.
This add on facilitates user to highlight negative balance stock item in sales voucher entry. It display current available stock in voucher entry. This add on works also in sales order.If user made sales order earlier and want to make sales invoice of that order but stock is negative this add on helps to know that which item is negative.
Price : ₹1770
By Default Tally Software does not give the option of Printing Stock Item Description along with Stock Item Name in Detailed Mode of E-Way Bill Print. With this add on user can also print stock item description in E-Way Bill.Print Item Description helps to understand the details of Stock Item being shipped.
This Add-On allows Party wise Item Selection in voucher entry. Stock Item which was selected in party ledger master only will be displayed for Selection in Voucher Entry. This Add-On works for Sales, Sales Order, Credit Note, Purchase, Purchase Order, Debit Note, Delivery Note, Receipt Note. Users gets smaller List of Stock Item in Voucher Entry. It reduces the chances of wrong item selection. Increases the speed of Voucher Entry because of Quick Item Selection.
Price : ₹2950
By Default in Tally user can change the cost price and selling price rate by altering each Stock Item individually. This add-on provides facility to update Standard Cost and Sale Price of stock item from voucher entry quickly. No need to go in every individual stock item alteration screen to update.User can update STD cost after discount or before price added in voucher entry.Up to date price of stock item can be maintained easily.
Price : ₹2360
This add-on increase voucher narration entry limit. With a higher voucher narration entry limit, users have more space to provide detailed descriptions or explanations for each transaction.By Default Tally allows to write 250 Characters in Narration. With this Add-on user can increase this limit to 500.
This add-on facilitates the user to increase Item & Ledger Description width in voucher entry and in Print so that user can read them properly and use it. Useful when user having Long Item or Ledger Description. Can be configured for only Required Voucher Type. User can configure Screen Width and Print Width Separately.
Closing Stock Value in Stock and Financial Reports depend upon the Costing Method Selected in Item Master. Some times it is necessary to change Costing Method of Stock Items to get the proper Closing Stock Value. By Default in Tally user can change the Costing Method by altering each Stock Item individually. This add-on provides facility update costing method of multiple stock items quickly. No need to go in every individual stock item alteration screen to update costing method.
This add on allows users to quickly search specific vouchers based on the item description. This add on works on all voucher registers. Useful to search any Voucher from Item Description Content quickly with one simple button in Voucher Register.
This add on facilitates user to select appropriate price list for a particular stock item. Be Default Tally Software allows to select Only One Price List in Voucher Entry and it applies to all Items selected in that Voucher. User cannot select different Price List for different Stock Items. With this Add-On user can select Price List at Stock Item Level hence it enables the user to select different Price List for different stock items in Single Voucher Entry.
This add on facilitates the user to move or copy multiple vouchers to new date. Move shifts voucher from old date to new date and copy creates duplicate vouchers on the new date without changing original vouchers. User can enter new narration in new vouchers in both cases. Useful for copy or move multiple vouchers to New Date in Single Click.