With this Add-On User can add below New Tiles in Tally Default Dashboard Report. 1. Party Wise Sales 2. Party Wise Purchase 3. GST Registration Type Wise Sales 4. GST Registration Type Wise Purchase Useful to get the Business Information Details in Single Screen. User can configure the tiles as per their requirement.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on facilitates the user to Print Stock Group Name in place of Stock Item Name in selected Invoice Copy.Useful when user does not want to show Item details being supplied in Invoice Print. It can be useful in Transport Copy.
Price : ₹1180
This add on generates Sales and Purchase Order Analysis Report along with dispatch Details, Pre Close Order Details and Pending Qty. If one order is dispatched with multiple invoice then it shows all Invoice details in single row. The report is generated for all orders in given period (Pending or Completed). User can select the No of columns of dispatch details to be shown for single order.Useful to Generate the Report for Analysis of Days taken for completion of each order.
Price : ₹3540
This add on facilitates uses to display only On Account Transaction in Daybook of Ledgers maintaining bill wise Reference Entry.It helps user to get All On Account Transaction in Single Report so that it can be updated with Bill Wise Reference when the details are available.
By default tally does not show Godown name in POS Invoice print. With this add-on user can Show Godown Name in POS Invoice Print.Godown Name in Invoice Print helps user to know the location from where the Items are to be collected from.
This add on facilitates the user to display separate column for consumption & production Qty. in stock and Mfg. Journal columnar report.Separate column of consumption and production Qty provides user to clear view of Consumed and Manufactured Stock Items with Qty. from report only without opening the voucher.
Control on credit limit is the default feature of Tally Prime. It doesn’t allow to make bill if credit limit gets exceeded for that Ledger. This add on allows the user to generate Bill for selected Customers even if Credit Limit gets exceeded. Here user gets Only Warning Message for Credit Limit Exceeded. User can generate the Billing for Selected Customers irrespective of Credit Limit exceeded or not. No need to remove Credit Limit from the Ledger Master for these customers.
By Default Tally Software does not give the option of Printing Stock Item Alternate Unit Qty E-Way Bill Print. With this add on user can print stock item Alternate Qty in E-Way Bill.Add-on gives the choice of printing Only Alternate Unit Qty or Both Primary Unit and Alternate Unit Qty in E-Way Bill.Helps the user to print alternate Qty to understand the details of Stock Item being shipped.
This add on displays party closing Balance with Last 12 transaction Summary Details report. It generates report with Sales Invoice Amount & Date, Receipt Amount & Date in Sales Report and Purchase Invoice Amount & Date, Payment Amount & Date in Purchase Report. It helps to know the Invoice and Receipt Trend of the customer of last transactions in Sales Report.
This add on facilitates user to highlight negative balance stock item in sales voucher entry. It display current available stock in voucher entry. This add on works also in sales order.If user made sales order earlier and want to make sales invoice of that order but stock is negative this add on helps to know that which item is negative.
By default tally print subtotal of every ledger in accounting invoice. This add on facilitates user to print only subtotal of ledger before Tax in Accounting Invoice.Helpful to the user to know the total amount of ledger before tax in accounting voucher.
This add-on facilitates the user to print only description in place of product /service Ledger name in voucher Print.Useful when user does not want to print Stock Item Name or Accounting Ledger Name but wants to print only it’s Description.Can be configured for only Required Voucher Type.