This add-on facilitates the user to Control the Sales price. This module gives warning or Blocks the Sales Voucher Entry if Item Sales Rate is lower then Set Minimum Sales Price. Module gives 4 options of Setting the Minimum Sales Price. (Item Stock Closing Rate, Manual Entry in Item Master, Last Purchase Price and Standard Sales Price).
Price : ₹2360
Godown will be available in Godown List but it will stop displaying from inactivation date while selecting Godown in all inventory base transaction vouchers.
Price : ₹1180
By default, Tally gives option of “On Account” in Bill By Bill Allocation Entry. But this way any reference is not generated which is difficult to remember and adjust it against any reference later on. This Module Helps User to Block On -Account Option.
This Module Helps User to Block Inactive Stock Item Master, Stock Item will be available in Item master but it will stop displaying in Item selection list in various voucher entry. This is helpful to user when he wants to retain Stock Item’s record for future reference but simultaneously wants to stop it from displaying in Stock Item selection list, to avoid accidental entry in current period.
Price : ₹1770
This Module Helps User to Block Inactive Ledger. It will be available in ledger but it will stop displaying in ledger selection list in various voucher entry. This is helpful to user when he wants to retain party’s record for future reference but simultaneously wants to stop it from displaying in ledger selection list, to avoid accidental entry in current period.
This Add-On allows the Administrator to disable Delete and Cancel Button for Specific Users, so that no un-authorized users can delete or cancel any voucher. The control can be given user wise Also or User Group Wise (Security Level) wise also.
By Default Tally warns on Negative Stock, but allows the Voucher Entry. This TDL will not allow user to pass the voucher entry with Negative Stock. This will control Voucher like Sales, Stock Transfer, Delivery Note, and Mfg. Journal.
By Default Tally warns on Negative Cash Balance but allows the Voucher Entry. This module gives the option of stopping the Cash Voucher Entry, if the Cash Balance is negative.
Whenever a user creates voucher, by default Tally will fetch the voucher date from the last date of entry. When this feature is enabled, the voucher date will be same as system date.