This Module facilitates the user to create masters for commonly used narrations & recall them in respective vouchers for uniformity and speedy entry. If required, user can make necessary changes at narration space in voucher entry.
Price : ₹1180
This add-on facilitates user to search narration in bill wise Outstanding Report.
This add-on facilitates User to get the bank details entered in voucher as narration automatically. This add-on works in payment and receipt Vouchers. No need to type the Bank details again in Narration. Easy to know bank details from the voucher Main Screen itself rather than opening from transaction type screen.
This add on facilitates the user to move or copy multiple vouchers to new date. Move shifts voucher from old date to new date and copy creates duplicate vouchers on the new date without changing original vouchers. User can enter new narration in new vouchers in both cases. Useful for copy or move multiple vouchers to New Date in Single Click.
Price : ₹2360
This add on facilitates user to print Narration as separate column in ledger statement. With this add on user quickly understand the nature of each transaction without opening the voucher. Print narration as separate column in ledger statement of particular ledger. Separate column of narration helps in further processing and comparing vouchers in ledger statement without opening voucher.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on increase voucher narration entry limit. With a higher voucher narration entry limit, users have more space to provide detailed descriptions or explanations for each transaction.By Default Tally allows to write 250 Characters in Narration. With this Add-on user can increase this limit to 500.
This add on facilitates admin to control narration in voucher entry. Sometime users do not enter the Narration and accept the voucher entry. It makes difficult later to under this transaction. Admin can make Narration as Mandatory for each Voucher Entry and can also decide minimum Character to be entered in Narration. Admin can choose the Narration entry as Compulsory or Optional for each Voucher Type.