Godown will be available in Godown List but it will stop displaying from inactivation date while selecting Godown in all inventory base transaction vouchers.
Price : ₹1180
This add-on facilitates the user to Display Purchase Rate of Item in Item Selection List at Sales & Purchase Voucher Entry. As Per requirement user can choose to display closing rate, standard rate and last purchase voucher rate of item during voucher entry .This will help to know Purchase Rate before deciding Sales Rate.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on facilitates the user to Display Sales Rate of Item in Item Selection List at Sales Voucher Entry. This will help to differentiate Same Items of Different Rates user have a option to select right item.
This add-on facilitates the user to Pre-Define Ledger-wise Multiple Ledger Notes and display the same while making Voucher Entry. It helps in reminding user for some specific instructions related to that Party.
This add-on facilitates the user to Print User Defined Message in Sales Invoice.
This add-on facilitates the user to print Ledger in T-Format. User can have One side Credit Entries and Other Side Debit Entries.
This add-on facilitates the user to print Purchase Order with Pre-Inserted Authorized Signature.
By default, Tally gives option of “On Account” in Bill By Bill Allocation Entry. But this way any reference is not generated which is difficult to remember and adjust it against any reference later on. This Module Helps User to Block On -Account Option.
This Module Helps User to Block Inactive Stock Item Master, Stock Item will be available in Item master but it will stop displaying in Item selection list in various voucher entry. This is helpful to user when he wants to retain Stock Item’s record for future reference but simultaneously wants to stop it from displaying in Stock Item selection list, to avoid accidental entry in current period.
This Module Helps User to Block Inactive Ledger. It will be available in ledger but it will stop displaying in ledger selection list in various voucher entry. This is helpful to user when he wants to retain party’s record for future reference but simultaneously wants to stop it from displaying in ledger selection list, to avoid accidental entry in current period.
This Module Helps to View Party Ledger & Party Outstanding in Sales Invoice. This is very helpful for sales person as he can trace previous details & Outstanding details of Party before making sales entry.
This Module Helps to Display Sr. No. for Stock items in Sales, Purchase, Debit Note and Credit Note Vouchers at Voucher Entry Mode. User can easily show Details of item including serial number of Item.