This Module facilitates user to print Credit Days in Outstanding Report.This module will work for Bills Receivables as well as Bills Payable Report. Credit Days will be printed in Bill wise report and Bill Party wise Report also.
Price : ₹1180
This module is useful to print the required details at the time of Income Tax Assessment of the Company. User can filter the report Closing,Opening, Credit, Debit Amount wise.
Price : ₹2360
This module gives user a freedom to give any kind of reference to bills so that he can filter the bills outstanding report as per his choice.
Price : ₹2950
This add-on facilitates the user to Create Location Master which can be selected in Stock Item Master. User can print Stock Summary Report based on Location Selected
This add-on facilitates the user to track Salesman/Broker wise various Reports. It helps to maintain Salesman wise Sales / Purchase Reports, Salesman Commission Reports, Outstanding Reports, Item Qty Sales/Purchase Reports etc. Sales man can be defined at Ledger or Voucher Level. Commission can be defined at Voucher, Ledger or Item Level.
Price : ₹5900
This add-on facilitates the user to Create City & Area Master which can be selected in Ledger Master and allows to Generate City & Area Wise Sales & Outstanding Report. It also generates Leger Details Report with All Contact Information along with City and Area name and this Report can be further filtered with City, Area, State & Ledger Group.It also generates City & Area Wise ledger count report, Sales Summary and Item Wise Sales Summary Report.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on facilitates the user to Print State-wise Sales and Purchase analysis Reports. It displays State Name in Sales and Purchase Register and Column Reports and gives the option of State Wise Filter. It also generates Summary Report of All States in single Screen. The detailed mode allows to view the Report Party wise and Voucher wise in a given State.
This Add-on Generates PDF & Excel File for Ledger Outstanding & Ledger Statement. Users can Show PDF & Excel file in Defined export location.
This add-on facilitates the user to print Ledger in T-Format. User can have One side Credit Entries and Other Side Debit Entries.
Price : ₹1770
This module gives the option of Printing User Name in Tally Default Reports. This will print user name in Reports like Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, Trial Balance, Day Book etc. This will also print user name in all Vouchers.
This Add-On Displays the Login User Name in Main Menu and other Sub Menus of Tally Software. For Controlling purpose it is essential to know the currently User Name on display Screen. This add-on helps in displaying it.
With This Add–on User can Generate Stock Item, Item Group and Item Category Wise Sales and Purchase Report. It helps user to analyze the Sales and Purchase data (Both Qty and Amount) based on Item Wise, Group wise and Category wise.It Displays Part No, Alias Name, Alt Unit, Min/Max Rate.User can filter the Report based on Item Name, Stock Group, Stock Category.